Registration in the cadastre and land registry

The cadastral office registers a building on the basis of the reviewed and confirmed geodetic survey for registering the construction work in the cadastre or for change of information on buildings, and the final decision issued in the administrative procedure

You can find a list of regional cadastral offices on the website of the State Geodetic Administration:

Regional cadastral offices.
You can find a list of persons licensed to prepare geodetic surveys (geodetic contractors) on the website of the State Geodetic Administration under the category OIG search.  After selecting a county, all geodetic contractors operating in the territory of that county will be listed.

The applicant for registering the construction work in the cadastre or for change of information on buildings may, along with the application within the framework of preparation of a geodetic survey, submit the use permit.

The cadastral office, together with the documents prescribed by special regulations for entry of construction works in the land registry, shall ex officio deliver to the competent court a notification that the use permit was submitted with the application for registering the construction work in the cadastre, regarding cadastre of  infrastructure, and shall specify the building control authority which issued the permit and its class, register number and date of issue. If the use permit is not submitted, the cadastral office shall ex officio deliver to the competent court a notification that the use permit was not submitted.

Upon registering a construction work in the land registry, the competent court shall ex officio enter a note in property records of the land registry that the use permit was submitted with the application for registering the construction work in the cadastre and shall specify the building control authority which issued the permit and its class, register number and date of issue. If the use permit is not submitted, upon registering a construction work in the land registry, the competent court shall ex officio enter a note in property records of the land registry that the use permit was not submitted when registering the construction work in the cadastre.