Purchase, sale and rental of real estate

Purchase of real property

When purchasing a house or an apartment, make sure to thoroughly check the documentation - its extract from the land registry, building permit or other appropriate official construction act, the use permit and its energy certificate

Sale of real property

If you are selling a property, prepare an extract from the land registry department of the municipal court competent for the area in which the property is located, as well as documents proving that the construction work was built legally, and the energy certificate

Real estate purchase for foreign nationals

Get informed how and under what conditions foreign nationals can acquire ownership rights in real estate in Croatia 

Rental of real property

A written tenancy agreement determines the rent amount, other rights and obligations and the notice period

POS+ Programme

For purchasing a newly built apartment through the POS+ Programme, you can obtain a public loan and more favourable bank loans 

POS – Rental of real property

Find out how you can rent or purchase an apartment constructed as part of state-subsidised housing construction through APN

Spatial data

The State Geodetic Administration Geoportal is the central point to access digital cadastral plans, digital orthophotos and topographic maps in various scales, with an option to overlap them