Active citizens and free time
Associations, volunteering, travelling, sports, citizens in politics, cultural events, nature
Associations, volunteering, travelling, sports, citizens in politics, cultural events, nature
Health insurance, mandatory insurance rights, reimbursement rights, occupational health and safety, temporary incapacity for work
Marriage and consensual union, parenthood, assistance and counselling, social welfare, third age, death and inheritance, rights of persons with disabilities
Job search, employment relationship, termination of employment, pensions, unemployed persons, interpersonal relationships
Veterans 'and their families' rights, housing solutions, benefits and subsidies, employment, health and the disabled, help centres, associations and assemblies
Croatian citizenship, documents, certificates and attestations
Preschool education, primary, secondary and higher education, e-Services
Legal protection, consumer rights, crime prevention and reporting, crime victims and missing persons, public order and peace, protection and rescue services
Construction and renovation of houses, purchase, sale and rental of real estate, property rights, areas of special state concern, sustainable waste management
Registration, driving licenses, road safety, purchase and sale of vehicles, tolls
Starting a business, support to employers, agriculture, tourism, development of islands, protection of intellectual property, business premises
Taxes and tax returns, online payments, debt management, savings and investment, insurance
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