Physical Planning Information System – PPIS

Data on space use available in one place through valid spatial plans and issued permits

The Physical Planning Information System (PPIS) is an application of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets that, via the geoportal, enables citizens simple access to information on space use. The goal of establishing the PPIS is to achieve transparency of the physical planning system, make relevant data available to all, and enable easy access to all processes that occur in space.

The geoportal is a central point of access to individual, so called PPIS modules, i.e. software solutions such as e-Permit, e-Catalogue, e-Properties, etc. that are used for entry and uploading of data and available to authorised users from public authorities competent for carrying out procedures in the field of physical planning, construction, property value appraisal, building inspection, etc. The data sets uploaded through modules are available to citizens for viewing on the geoportal in the scope defined by acts and subordinate legislation.

Amendments to the Construction Act and the physical planning Act were adopted in May 2023, which improved it processing, digitization and verification of documents, data and procedures for preparation, preparation and implementation of spatial plans, as well as topological processing and verification of introduced metadata into new generation spatial plans in order to correctly and properly upload them to the state cloud of the Centre for shared services and thus be available to all users in the Republic of Croatia with the aim of improving the provision of electronic public services and reducing the burden on citizens, scientific and professional community, business entities and investors.
Physical planning information system (ISPU) is a state interoperable and multi-platform system that has been continuously developed and upgraded by the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets since 2013 and is currently in the functional phase of as many as 13 system modules: GEO portal, ePlans, eConstruction diary ECatalog, ePlans - Editor, eauthorization, ISPU locator, eConfernection, eArchive, Register of brownfield areas, eNotes, eSatelites, ePIC, and at the same time new modules are being developed: eInvestition, eEnergy certificate, eInspection of space, and eRezimi.