Priority status when renting commercial premises
Croatian veterans have priority status when renting commercial premises for trade or independent professional activity with state administration and local self-government units and legal entities owned by them
Municipalities, cities, counties, the City of Zagreb and the Republic of Croatia as well as legal entities entirely or predominantly owned by them are required to enter into a lease agreement for commercial premises for trade or independent professional activity with the following persons if they participate in a public tender and meet the requirements of the most favourable quote, in the following order:- a member of the immediate and extended family of a deceased Croatian Homeland War veteran or a member of the immediate and extended family of a missing Croatian Homeland War veteran
- a disabled Croatian Homeland War veteran
- a Homeland War military volunteer
- other Croatian Homeland War veteran, in the order of longer to shorter duration of participation in the defence of the sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia
- veterans’ social and work cooperatives for performing registered activities which are registered in the records of veterans’ social and work cooperatives kept by the Ministry or which are beneficiaries of the Ministry’s incentives
- children of a Croatian Homeland War veteran or
- persons referred to in points A to D and F of this paragraph who are pension beneficiaries.
You are not entitled to this priority status during the lease of other commercial premises, regardless of the basis on which it was obtained.