One-off financial aid
In certain cases when you are unable to meet basic living needs, you are entitled to a one-off financial aid in the amount of up to 441,44 EUR
As a member of the family of a deceased Croatian Homeland War veteran, a disabled Croatian Homeland War veteran or a Croatian veteran, you are entitled to a one-off financial aid in cases when you are unable to meet basic living needs due to:- serious illness or injury to you or a member of your immediate family with whom you live in a joint household
- natural disasters (fire, flood, earthquake, etc.) in your household
- the death of an immediate family member (spouse or non-spouse or children) or beyond (parent) with whom you live in a joint household
- when the money income in the previous calendar year or in the period of three months before the submission of the application, per month per member of the joint household amounts to less than 110,36 EUR.
You may exercise the right to one-time financial aid once a year (unless the new application refers to the death of a family member) and in the maximum amount of one budget base 441,44 EUR.
Prerequisites for receiving aid
To be eligible for a one-time financial aid, the following prerequisites must be met:- you and members of your household did not earn total regular money income in the previous calendar year or in the period of three months before the application in the current year, per month per household member more than 25 percent of the established budget base (110,36 EUR)
- you and members of your household are not owners motor vehicle that does not serve the basic existential needs
- you and members of your household are not owners or co-owners, users or co-users of real estate that do not serve to meet your basic living needs
- you participated in defending the sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia for at least 100 days in the combat sector
- that you are not serving a custodial sentence, unless you lived in a common household with the persons you supported before being sent to the custodial sentence, and you are obliged to maintain the same persons during the custodial sentence.
Required documentation
Proof kept in official records by public bodies or courts is collected ex officio by an official in the competent administrative office in the county or the City Office in Zagreb.The list of required documents depends on the individual case and the reason for the application (poor economic and social situation, death, natural disaster, serious illness or injury), and you will receive instructions on what to attach to the application from the official when submitting the completed application form.
You should submit your application to the administrative authority of your county or to the City Office for War Veterans in Zagreb, depending on your place of residence, and there you can also obtain more complete information on the possibility of receiving one-off financial aid.
The list and contact details are available on the website of the Croatian County Association administrative departments of counties, or the City of Zagreb on the website City Office for War Veterans.