Digital educational content as a learning support
CARNET provides their users with content and services that enable the use, creation, publication and sharing of digital educational content and education
CARNET provides their users with content and services that enable the use, creation, publication and sharing of digital educational content, but also education in this area. Some of those include digital educational content created as a part of e-Schools project, Nikola Tesla portal with published digital content for several secondary school subjects and numerous online courses, and the Baltazar video portal containing the comprehensive pedagogic-educational programme of Zagreb Film.Digital educational content created as a part of e-Schools project
As part of the national programme “e-Schools: complete informatisation of school business processes and teaching processes in order to create digitally mature schools for the 21st century”, digital educational content (DEC) was created for a number of school subjects for higher years of primary school and for secondary school.e-School DECs are open and accessible to everybody, and are intended for students for self-assessment of knowledge, self-directed learning, work at home or in class, but also for teachers for application in classes.
The contents are based on school subjects curricula, and are conceived in a modular way, so that several modules cover a curriculum of a school year. Along with being able to use the DECs for a singular school subject and year, each module can be downloaded and used independently.
Digital educational content is available in the Edutorij and it can be used online, but also offline, on mobile and desktop devices. The content created during the first phase of the e-Schools project (e-Schools pilot project) can be used in mobile apps as well.
Nikola Tesla portal
The national portal for distance learning “Nikola Tesla” is a system that enables teaching and learning by using computers and digital educational contentNikola Tesla portal.
The system is integrated in a Moodle tool, and to access the content you will need your electronic identity from the AAI@EduHr system.
You can find the following content on the portal:
- digital educational content in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and English language for secondary schools;
- ECDL modules for self-directed learning and practice to acquire a diploma in basic IT literacy;
- courses on tools and implementation of technology in education.
Baltazar video portal
Baltazar video portal is part of CARNET Meduza, a service for the distribution of multimedia content intended for education and academic institutions and individual users of institutions that are members of CARNET.Baltazar video portal contains the entire pedagogic-educational programme of Zagreb Film. It contains 791 videos classified in 13 categories:
- ecology and environment;
- physics;
- Croatian language;
- interdisciplinary areas;
- chemistry;
- visual arts and history;
- history;
- nature and biology;
- nature and society;
- foreign languages;
- technological culture;
- health and protection;
- geography.
Baltazar portal can be accessed by CARNET users who own an electronic identity in the AAI@EduHr system.
Baltazar portal