Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF)

Quality and relevance of a study programme is assured through the implementation of the CROQF

CROQF represents a framework for the regulation of qualifications in the Republic of Croatia. The focus is placed on learning outcomes, i.e., competences that the person acquired and proved by studying and after its completion. Each qualification acquired in the Republic of Croatia is ranked. Ranking of qualifications enables the comparison and connection of qualifications. The CROQF encompasses full qualifications, which independently meet the conditions for participation in the appropriate labour market and/or continuation of education, and partial qualifications, which meet the conditions for participation in the appropriate labour market and/or continuation of education either as a supplement, i.e. addition to comprehensive qualifications, or together with one or more other appropriate partial qualifications.

The central strategic body of the Republic of Croatia for the development of the CROQF is the National Council for Development of Human Potential, which monitors and assesses the impact of the CROQF as a whole and per its elements.

In order to ensure the quality and transparency of the implementation of the CROQF, the CROQF Register was established. Profession and qualification standards that serve as a basis for creation and improvement of education and study programmes are entered into this register and it also stores information about the programmes harmonised with the CROQF, as well as the standards they are based on.

You can get more information about the establishment and implementation of the CROQF at and website

Ministry of Education and Science – CROQF