
Establishment and registration of associations

Under the Act on Associations (Official Gazette Narodne novine, No. 74/14, 70/17 and 98/19), an association can be founded by at least three founders

Reporting irregularities in the work of associations

Find out to which institutions you can report irregularities in the work of an association and how

Obligations of associations after their establishment

Read more about the obligations of associations after submitting the application for entry in the Register of Associations of the Republic of Croatia

The internal structure of an association

An association may have its own organisational units (branch offices, subsidiaries, clubs, etc.) throughout the Republic of Croatia

Unincorporated associations

Unincorporated associations are subject to the provisions of the Civil Obligations Act

Registering changes

In order to register changes, it is necessary to submit an application for the entry of changes in the Register of Associations of the Republic of Croatia

Dissolution of association

Find out information on deletion from the registers as well as on bankruptcy and liquidation

Status changes

Find out more about the possibilities of acquiring an association, merging two or more associations and dividing an association

UdrugeInfo mobile application

The UdrugeInfo (AssociationsInfo) mobile application aims to increase the visibility of associations in the local community, and strengthen the participation of citizens in the activities carried out by associations

Registration of foreign associations

A foreign association may carry out its activity in the territory of the Republic of Croatia after registration in the Register of Foreign Associations in the Republic of Croatia

Accounting in associations

Learn all about payment transactions, mandatory records and accounting reports of associations

Economic activity of associations

Associations may perform economic activities, but not for the purpose of gaining profit for their members or third parties

Assets of associations

Find out what constitutes the assets of an association and how they are distributed in the event of dissolution of the association

Associations in the tax and customs systems

Find out when associations are liable to pay corporate tax and when they are liable to pay value added tax

Other obligations of associations

Find out about the payment of the fee for the use of music to ZAMP and the obligation to apply for registration in the Register of beneficial owners

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