Inspection for supervision in the field of energy
Find out what you can do if you suspect violations of regulations in the field of electricity, oil mining, heating and gas.
The inspection responsible for supervision in the field of energy carries out supervision of the application of the Energy Act, Thermal Energy Market Act, Gas Market Act, Act on Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbons, Act on the Safety of Offshore Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbons, Act on Technical Requirements for Products and on Conformity Assessment, and other laws and regulations adopted on the basis of these acts governing the fields of electricity, heating and gas, energy efficiency, hydrocarbons and geothermal water for energy purposes, natural gas storage and the permanent disposal of carbon dioxide.The inspection for supervision in the field of energy supervises:
- fulfilment of the requirements for performing energy activities
- fulfilment of the obligations of energy undertakings and energy consumers during designing, construction, putting into use, use, operation and maintenance of energy facilities, installations, lines, network connections, installations and equipment
- organisation of the maintenance of installations and structures in accordance with the approved/confirmed technical/project documentation, technical and safety regulations
- fulfilment of the obligations of residential building managers during maintenance of common parts of residential buildings
- maintenance of the parameters of energy quality and energy supply reliability
- compliance with the technical requirements for products and conformity assessment, as well as with the requirements for general safety of products and equipment in production facilities
- energy efficiency
- fulfilment of the requirements prescribed for workers employed in certain energy-related tasks
- obligations of investors and oil mining economic operators during performance of oil mining operations, construction of oil mining facilities and plants, and remediation of the area devastated by oil mining operations
- implementation of occupational safety measures during performance of oil mining operations.