Bringing in medicine
You may only bring in medicine for personal use, and the quantity that you may carry across the border depends on the type of medicine and your medical history
Bringing in finished medicine for personal use of passengers is only allowed in the quantities necessary for a maximum of one month of treatment (provided that it was approved by the competent authorities of the country of manufacture), and if holding the appropriate medical documentation (transcript of medical history, physician’s certificate).Bringing in medicine containing drug, also for the personal needs of passengers, is allowed in quantities necessary for a maximum of 5 days of treatment, also provided that you hold medical documentation which demonstrates the necessity of taking the respective medicine (copies of prescriptions for the medicine, transcripts of medical history or certified physician’s certificates). If the passenger is undergoing substitution treatment, addiction treatment or symptomatic treatment for terminal stages of malignant diseases, a 15-day supply of medicine for personal use is allowed.
As an exception, persons with a permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Croatia, who are travelling to Schengen States, may carry medicine that contains drug in the quantity necessary for personal use for a maximum of 30 days on the basis of a certificate issued by an approved physician using the prescribed form (chosen doctor of medicine or specialist doctor of medicine).