Get informed about the ports and anchorages and berths, as well as fees and the rules of conduct in ports and anchorages
Information on ports open for public transport, nautical tourism ports, nautical anchorages, gas stations and border crossing points is available on the Nautical Information Service (nIS), a free application for smart phones launched by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.Concessioned anchorages for boats and yachts
Concessioned anchorages are managed by economic operators granted a concession by competent (state administration and regional self-government) bodies for managing anchorages pursuant to the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act or are part of a port open for public transport, in which case they are managed by the competent port authority.Anchoring of ships, boats and yachts will not be charged at anchorages that are not subject of a concession, or are not part of a port open for public transport.
It should be noted that anchoring of ships, boats and yachts is not permitted in areas specifically marked as such on nautical charts and other publications of the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia.
Anchoring in these areas constitutes a maritime violation punishable by severe fines.
Rules of conduct at the anchorage
The person operating a yacht or a boat is responsible for the safety of the vessel at anchor, whereby they will act according to the instructions of the concessionaire or the competent Harbourmaster’s OfficeThe person anchoring a vessel will make sure that the vessel is at a sufficient distance from the nearest vessels in all directions and in all weather conditions.
Foreign boats and yachts arriving from abroad will use the shortest possible route to enter a port open for international traffic and obtain a vignette.
Foreign vessels will not anchor before obtaining a vignette except in the event of force majeure, whereby the nearest Harbourmaster’s Office will be notified thereof. Vessels at anchor will display their day marks and lights in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Ordinance on the Safety of Maritime Navigation in the Internal Sea Waters and the Territorial Sea of the Republic of Croatia and the Manner and Conditions of Performing Supervision and Management of Maritime Traffic.
In case of any doubt regarding the rules of conduct at the anchorage, please contact the competent Harbourmaster’s Office at the telephone numbers listed on the website of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
Harbourmaster’s Offices.
At the request of the person operating the vessel, the representative of the concessionaire or the port authority must present a special card stating the name of the concession grantor and the concessionaire or the port authority, the number of the card and the name and surname of the authorised person.
Protection of the marine environment
While at anchor, it is forbidden to discard or release into the sea any solid or liquid waste and sanitary water.Violation of the provisions on the protection of the marine environment will be severely punishable in accordance with the provisions of the Maritime Code and the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act.
Fees in ports open for public transport
Ships, boats and yachts using the anchorage of a port open for public transport equipped with berthing objects will pay a berthing fee reduced by 30 percent.Ships, boats and yachts using the anchorage of a port open for public transport not equipped with berthing objects will pay a berthing fee reduced by 50 percent.
The criteria for charging a fee is the overall length of the vessel for an indivisible part of the day. The concessionaire or the authorised person of the port authority is obliged to show the certified price list of the berthing fees at the request of the boater. In case of dry waste, the concession holder will issue a certificate on taking possession of the waste from the vessel. The fee includes the service of taking possession of dry waste from the vessel.
Fees for anchoring in special purpose ports
The concessionaire for a special purpose port - anchorage will issue an invoice for the provided service of berthing to a buoy to the person operating the vessel. In case of dry waste, the concessionaire will issue a certificate on taking possession of the waste from the vessel. The fee includes the service of taking possession of dry waste from the vessel.The person operating a ship, boat and yacht will keep the invoice and the certificate on board the vessel until leaving the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia. At the request of the boater, the concessionaire is obliged to show the price list of the berthing fees certified by the county.
The digital service e-Nautics by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure enables notification of arrival of a foreign vessel or a Croatian boat in Croatian territorial waters and obtaining an electronic confirmation of payment of navigation safety fees upon notifying the arrival of a yacht or a boat (a so-called “vignette”).The service is available to all citizens of the European Union and the European Economic Area, as well as citizens of the Republic of Croatia.
You can log in to the e-Nautics service in three ways:
- From the e-Citizens user interface, by browsing available e-Services (for citizens of the Republic of Croatia only)
- Via the eIDAS system (for foreign citizens)
- Via direct link to the e-Nautics service