Spatial orientation

Maps from Geoportal can help you plan your trip or sports activities

Maps that could help you in planning of your trip or free sports activities can be found on the Geoportal of the State Geodetic Administration.
Geoportal offers an overview of maps of various scales with the possibility of overlapping with other digital products of the State Geodetic Administration.

Maps types

TK25 - Detailed topographic map at a scale of 1:25 000. It is an official state map with information about the local conditions of a particular area related to settlements, toponyms, roads, water, land, vegetation and a number of other phenomena required for general orientation and could be used for tourist and recreational activities.

TK100 - Detailed topographic map at a scale of 1: 100 000 with information on the local conditions of the displayed area required for general orientation.

TK200 - Overview topographic map at a scale of 1: 200 000 with a larger area faithfully shown.

In case you need any of these maps in digital form, all information on buying maps can be found on the website of the State Geodetic Administration.

Topographic maps.