Change of the data in cadastral records
The change of the data in cadastral records is performed by the cadastral office passing the decision thereon
Change of the data on cadastral plots
The cadastral data describing cadastral plots may be changed only on the basis of a geodetic survey and an administrative decision passed by the cadastral office. The decision is passed according to the rules of administrative procedure and the registered holders of rights must be informed about any change of the data modifying the cadastral plot data by having the decision delivered to them and, only after it becomes final and effective, will the cadastral office also change the data in the relevant cadastral records.Change of the data on persons registered in property register sheets
The cadastral office also passes an administrative decision for registering owners in property register sheets and the change is performed according to the rules provided for changing the data on cadastral plots. The owners can also be registered in property register sheets on the basis of an ex officio decision of the land registry department, if the legal predecessors registered in the cadastre correspond with the legal predecessors registered in the land registry. The cadastral office will not inform you separately about this because you already received the decision of the land registry department.Recording buildings and other construction works in cadastral records
Buildings and other construction works (structures) are recorded within the cadastral plot and under the right to build. The data on buildings and other construction works in cadastral records may be recorded and changed only on the basis of a geodetic survey and an administrative decision passed by the cadastral office in the manner already described. The survey may be accompanied by an appropriate official act for the use thereof.Recording changes in the land use of cadastral plots
In order to change the land use of a cadastral plot, you may, other than licensed geodetic contractors, also contact a cadastral office, whereby cadastral employees perform an on-site inspection and develop the relevant geodetic survey.You can find a list of geodetic contractors on the website of the State Geodetic Administration under the topic OIG search. After selecting a county, all geodetic contractors operating in the territory of that county will be listed.