Student work
The Act on Student Work regulates the rights and obligations of workers, intermediaries and clients during the performance of student work, as well as other issues related to the performance of student work
The worker is a student or other person who has entered into a contract with the client and an intermediary for the performance of student work and who performs that work for the client.The right to perform student work is exercised by:
- a student attending undergraduate university studies, integrated undergraduate and graduate university studies, graduate university studies, short professional studies, undergraduate professional studies and specialist graduate professional studies at higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia;
- an exchange student at a higher education institution in the Republic of Croatia and
- a student who is a citizen of the Republic of Croatia, a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation temporarily residing in the Republic of Croatia, studying at a higher education institution outside the Republic of Croatia and who is not employed and/or self-employed, does not perform independent profession activities and/or agriculture and forestry activities. In terms of this Act and regulations governing income taxation, the rights and obligations of full-time students and part-time students who do not have an established employment relationship and/or do not perform independent profession activities, are not self-employed persons and/or do not perform agriculture and forestry activities and
- a person in the process of enrolling in studies or a person who has completed their studies at a higher education institution in the Republic of Croatia and has no employment relationship or a citizen of the European Union temporarily residing in the Republic of Croatia who has completed studies at a higher education institution outside the Republic of Croatia and has no employment relationship. The rights under this Act may be exercised by the other person for a maximum of three months from the end of the school year in which they completed secondary education or for a maximum until the end of the academic year in which they completed their studies or until the expiration of three months from completion.
An intermediary is a student centre or higher education institution that has a centre for student standard as an organisational unit, and which obtained a decision on the approval of mediation activities issued by the ministry responsible for higher education.Client
The client is a natural person who is registered to perform an activity or a legal person that has concluded a contract with the worker for the performance of student work and for whom the worker performs that work.Student work fee
For each calendar year, the Minister makes a decision on the amount of the minimum net fee per hour of student work within 15 days after the Government of the Republic of Croatia issues a regulation on the amount of the minimum wage.The minimum fee for performing student work per hour is calculated by dividing the amount of the minimum gross salary in the Republic of Croatia, in accordance with a special regulation, by 160.