Organised housing
Organised housing is a social service aimed at providing housing in a housing unit, accompanied by constant or periodic expert and other assistance, as well as support in meeting basic living needs, along with social, professional, cultural, educational, recreational and other needs
Organised housing is a social service aimed at providing housing in a housing unit, accompanied by constant or periodic expert and other assistance, as well as support in meeting basic living needs, along with social, professional, cultural, educational, recreational and other needs, in order to establish and maintain the social roles of beneficiaries, levelling out their abilities, improving quality of life, fostering an active and independent living and enabling social inclusion, depending on the needs of beneficiaries.Organised housing beneficiaries
Organised housing services are granted to:- children without adequate parental care or young adults
- children or young adults with behavioural issues
- unaccompanied foreign children or stateless children
- children with developmental disabilities or persons with disabilities
- persons who were beneficiaries of accommodation services or organised housing, and who need to be provided with housing accompanied by assistance and support in meeting basic living needs, as well as social, professional, cultural, educational, recreational and other needs, in order to establish and maintain the social roles of beneficiaries, levelling out their abilities, improving quality of life, fostering an active and independent living and enabling social inclusion, depending on the needs of beneficiaries, for as long as the need persists, and up to 26 years of age
- an elderly person who is self-sufficient or partially in need of help in meeting basic needs
- persons addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling or having other addictions
- pregnant women or parents with a child under the age of one, without housing or a place to live, or who cannot stay in the family with their child due to dysfunctional family relations
- victims of domestic violence
- victims of human trafficking or
- homeless persons.
Organised housing services providers
Organised housing services are provided by social welfare homes, associations, religious communities, as well as other legal persons.
Exercising of rights
The procedure for the recognition of the right to an organised housing service is initiated at the request of the beneficiary at the regional office of the Croatian Social Work Institute, competent according to the residence of the beneficiary.
Addresses and telephone numbers of regional offices can be found on the website of the Croatian Institute for Social work.
Personal needs allowance for organised housing beneficiaries
Personal needs allowance is granted to a beneficiary of accommodation services or organised housing if they are unable to meet their personal needs with their own income while using accommodation services or organised housing.
Personal needs allowance for children in elementary school, adults and elderly persons amounts to 33,18 EUR, and for children and young adults in high school or other young adults amounts to 46,45 EUR.