Organised daily activities are intended for senior citizens who want to satisfy their need for socialisation and active leisure time, thus extending the time they can live in their own home and avoid feeling lonely
It is a known fact that one of the major reasons for a senior citizen to move into a nursery home is loneliness.
Organised daily activities are implemented in the framework of projects. The Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy publishes every year a
Call for project proposals aimed at improving the quality of life of senior citizens through organised daily activities in the local community. Projects are financed with the funds available in the state budget and a part of the income from games of chance intended for social welfare.
Any senior residing in the area where the project is being implemented and wishing to satisfy their need for socialisation and active leisure time may take part in the organised daily activities. Participation it project activities is completely free of charge for senior citizens.
Service of transportation for senior citizens
The service of transportation is intended for those senior citizens who cannot meet this need in any other way. It is provided in areas where public transport is not very developed or appropriate for senior citizens, thus preventing them from visiting important places. To enable senior citizens to have greater independence in performing their duties and to extend the time they can live in their own home without any detriment to their quality of life, they need to be provided with services missing in their community. In recent years, funds available from the state budget and a part of the income from games of chance intended for social welfare are used within the framework of calls for project proposals aimed at reduction and prevention of social exclusion and at social inclusion and integration of socially vulnerable groups to finance projects which include the activity of ensuring transportation for senior citizens.
Any senior residing in the area where the project is being implemented and needing transportation to meet an important need—such as going to the doctor, treatment, visiting a family member who is in hospital, etc.—and unable to meet this need in any other way. This service is provided to senior citizens completely free of charge.
“Zaželi” (“Make a Wish”) Programme—support to and care for senior citizens
Funded with EU funds and implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Pension System, the “Zaželi” (“Make a Wish”) Programme’s primary goal is employment of difficult-to-employ persons, primarily women, on jobs which include provision of support to and care for senior citizens and disadvantaged persons in their remote communities (rural areas and islands). The programme lasts for 30 months, and in this period, senior citizens are provided with the assistance they require to be able to continue living in their own home with the same quality of life.
All senior citizens and disadvantaged persons in need of support and residing in the area where the project is being implemented. The services within the “Zaželi” Programme are free of charge for end users.