Lists of medications

After the period of one year has passed, the insured person is entitled to change the physician they previously chose. In the course of that period, they may only change their physician for certain reasons

Primary list

All medications from the primary list of medications can be administered during hospital treatment, and most of the medications can also be prescribed by means of a CHIF prescription. The CHIF fully covers the full price of the medications from the primary list of medications prescribed by means of a CHIF prescription. The CHIF’s prescription medications may be prescribed if the CHIF criteria for prescribing prescription medication have been met, which criteria is specified in the guideline for each individual medication. Part of the medications from the primary list of medications that are administered in hospitals and are very expensive are also included in the list of very expensive medications. The costs of medications from the list of very expensive medications are fully borne by the CHIF.

Supplementary list

All medications from the supplementary list of medications may be prescribed by means of a CHIF prescription and also administered during hospital treatment. For medications from the supplementary list of medications, the CHIF covers part of the price, while the difference between the full price of the original medication packaging prescribed by means of a CHIF prescription and the part covered by the CHIF is covered by the insured person or their supplementary health insurance. The CHIF’s supplementary insurance does not cover the amount of co-participation for medications from the supplementary list of medications prescribed by means of a CHIF prescription.
All medications from the supplementary list of medications may be prescribed to the patient with their consent. 

The physician is required to warn them that co-participation in the medication price is stipulated for medications from the supplementary list of medications. You can ask your physician to prescribe you a medication from the supplementary list of medications yourself. However, to be issued a prescription, you need to meet the criteria specified in the medication prescription guidelines.

Both lists can be browsed by medication trade name, generic name, ATC code (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification code). For all medications, you can see the full price of the original packaging with and without VAT, and for medications from the supplementary list of medications, you can also see the price amounts covered by the CHIF and the co-participation of the insured person in the medication price.
Via the CHIF’s service “Dispensed prescriptions” in the e-Citizens system, you can view the prescriptions dispensed to you in pharmacies in the last six months.