Integration into the labour market

The job search should be active and systematic - start by getting information on posted job vacancies

Job search should be active and systematic, and start by informing it about job vacancies. Such information can be found in regional departments, offices and branch offices of the Croatian Employment Service (CES) or by simply searching the job offer on the portal intended for employees.

Assistance of CES advisers

If you register with the CES, your advisor will help you find a job through:
• information on vacancies
• help in defining work potential, defining activities to improve your employability, defining occupations in which you have the greatest chance of employment;
• inclusion in workshops through which knowledge and skills are acquired for achieving the best possible skills in the labour market (How to find a job, self-assessment of own potentials, how to present oneself to the employer and other workshops according to the needs of unemployed persons)
• information on active employment policy measures;
• legal advice
• assistance in additional (self) assessment of personal opportunities, assistance in the selection of education and training programmes, determination of remaining working capacity.

Registration in the CES records

Registration in the unemployment register of the Croatian Employment Service is optional, and a person can apply when he decides to actively and systematically seek employment.
Unemployed persons and other jobseekers can register with the Office through online registration or personal arrival.
ONLINE APPLICATION is a new service of the Croatian Employment Service that enables faster and simpler registration in the Office's records - you only need a bank token, e-ID card or FINA credential.
YOU can access ONLINE REGISTRATIONS in the Office's records here
Registration in the register of unemployed persons by personal arrival must be accompanied by:
• identification document (valid identity card issued in the Republic of Croatia, another EEA member or Switzerland, i.e. passport or residence card for a third-country national)
• residence certificate (if the person registers outside the place of residence indicated on the identity card).
• EEA or Swiss nationals enclose a certificate of address (if the person does not have a registered temporary stay at the Ministry of Interior, an application from the e-visitor system may be enclosed as proof of the address at which the person resides)
• certificate of completed school or diploma, original for inspection or certified copy (if the person does not possess the original)
• PIN information
Contact with branch offices and branch offices and their working hours can be found here.
If you come from an employment relationship and apply for the right to unemployment benefit, you should enclose with it:
• proof of the reason for termination of employment
• evidence of the average gross salary achieved in the three-month period prior to termination of employment (e.g. Employer certificate, payroll certified by the employer)
• a copy of the bank's current account card.
If you come upon termination of self-employment and apply for the right to unemployment benefit, you should enclose with it:
• proof that you have stopped self-employment for a justified reason
• proof of the basis on which contributions for compulsory insurance established by a special Regulation were calculated and paid, in the three-month period prior to the cessation of independent activity;
• a copy of the bank's current account card.
In the case of electronic registration, a completed electronic application form for financial compensation shall be submitted in addition to these documents.

Health insurance

Health insurance is regulated regardless of registration in the CES records, which means that you do not have to be registered as an unemployed person in order to exercise the right to health insurance.
You can check the deadlines for obtaining the right to health insurance at the deadlines link for submitting applications and exercising the right.