Homeland War associations

As a Croatian Homeland War veteran, you can join one of the Homeland War associations where you will connect with other Croatian veterans through joint programs and activities

Associations from the Homeland War were founded to protect the rights and interests of their members and their families. Their projects and programmes preserve the moral dignity of the Croatian people and all the inhabitants of the Republic of Croatia who participated in defending its sovereignty, promote the values of the Homeland War and, in cooperation with the state institutions, contribute to raising the quality and efficiency of care for Croatian Homeland War veterans and their family members.

Financial support

Financial support for activities of associations may be obtained by applying for a public call published by the Ministry of Croatian Veterans, subject to the following conditions:
  • it has been registered in the Register of associations of the Republic of Croatia and has been active for at least one year, as of the date of application for the public call
  • it is registered in the Register of non-profit organizations and maintains transparent financial operations in accordance with the accounting regulations of non-profit organizations
  • it has harmonised the statutes in accordance with Law on Associations or submitted a request for harmonisation with the competent office (as evidenced by the certificate of the competent office)
  • by the Statute, she opted for activities and activities that were the subject of financing to promote the value of the Homeland War and to protect and promote the interests of Croatian Homeland War veterans and members of their families and victims of the Homeland War), as evidenced by the Statute.
For each approved activity, the Ministry of Croatian Veterans signs a financial support agreement with the activity and controls the dedicated spending of appropriations based on the descriptive and financial report, as well as a copy of the invoice and other bookkeeping documentation which the associations are obliged to submit to the Ministry.

Records of associations from the Homeland War, associations and other forms of association

The Ministry of Croatian Veterans keeps records of associations from the Homeland War, associations associations and other forms of association, pursuant to Article 168 paragraph 3. of the Act on Croatian Homeland War Veterans and their family members and the Ordinance on record keeping of Homeland War associations and cooperation and support of Homeland War associations.

Associations from the Homeland War registered in the Register of associations of the Republic of Croatia for registration in the Register of associations from the Homeland War, associations of associations and other forms of association submit to the Ministry of Croatian Veterans the prescribed forms (registration list form for associations - form 1 or registration list form for associations and other forms of association - form 2) and supporting documentation (copy of the decision on registration and copy of the decision on registration of the last change in the Register of associations of the Republic of Croatia, statutes and amendments to the statutes if it is not available through the Register of associations of the Republic of Croatia, act of the authorised body of the association on the establishment of organisational forms, i.e. act on association in case of associations, communities and other forms of association of associations).

Associations, associations of associations and other forms of association established after 10 March 2018, when the Ordinance entered into force, submit records and supporting documentation within 60 days from the date of entry into the Register of associations of the Republic of Croatia.