Electronic communications services

The operators have two-stage complaint and grievance procedures, and after these stages you can contact the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM)

Operators of electronic communications services have to provide the following to their users:
  • All of the required information on the terms and conditions and methods of service provision
  • Adequate protection against misuse and fraud
  • Control of costs with transparent and specific bills
  • Limitation of future costs via simple additional applications and provision of notifications on higher consumption.

Procedure of contesting

If you have a complaint against a bill amount, quality of the electronic communications service, violation of the provisions of your subscription contract or a complaint about infringement of the rights concerning the safeguarding of open internet access, it is particularly important to comply with the prescribed proceedings and procedures when contesting something.

Complaints are filed and grievances raised (regarding issued bills, service quality, violations of the provisions of your subscription contract or complaints about infringement of the rights concerning the safeguarding of open internet access) in writing and carried out in two stages by the operators; after these stages, you can institute proceedings before the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM).

Complaints filed to and grievances raised with operators

Complaint periods are as follows:
  • 30 days from the bill due date
  • 30 days from the date of service provision
  •  In other cases, the complaint period is 15 days from the date of learning about an action or omission of the operator of public communications services.

To avoid unnecessary suspension of services, you still need to pay the uncontested part of the bill and duly pay all subsequent uncontested bills.

If you are not satisfied with the written response, you can raise a grievance with the User Grievance Committee within 30 days from the date of receipt of the response to the complaint.

Applying to HAKOM for dispute resolution

Once you've received a written response from the Committee, you have 30 days to submit a written application to HAKOM for dispute resolution at the following address: Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9, 10 110 Zagreb. Find out how to file an appeal to your operator.
If you are not satisfied with the steps taken after the procedures followed, you can seek protection before the competent court.

Lost or stolen devices

In case your device is lost or stolen, you need to inform your operator of this immediately in order to avoid incurring unwanted costs, as well as the police. 

Advice and requests

To request advice or ask questions regarding your rights or to submit requests for inspection, you can use the Central Information System for Consumer Protection application.

Once you have filled in and submitted a simple form, the system will automatically forward your case to the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development or the State Inspectorate, and will send you a PIN with which you will be able to monitor the status of the case.