
Probation is the conditional and supervised freedom of the offender. Persons on probation may be defendants, convicts or detainees

During probation, probation officers carry out supervision and, through professional procedures, influence the risk factors in the offender’s behaviour in order to resocialize and reintegrate the offender into the community.

The Probation Service does not impose or change the imposed measures, obligations and sanctions, but only executes them pursuant to final judgments or decisions of the state attorney, the court or the sentence-execution judge.

Other community services and organizations, such as the police, social welfare centre, addiction treatment centres, or various non-governmental organizations, may also be involved in the implementation of community service activities.

A person on probation may be a:
  • Defendant—a person against whom charges were brought, but not yet proven, against whom a private action was filed or against whom a penal order was issued
  • Convict—a person who was convicted for committing a certain crime in a final judgment
  • Detainee—a person placed in detention.

Obligations of a person on probation

If you are an offender on probation, you are obliged to:
  • Complete your tasks duly in accordance with the established deadlines and timetable for their completion
  • Regularly report to the probation office
  • Immediately notify the probation office if you have changed your place of permanent or temporary residence.
You should contact the probation officer in all situations that may be significant for your parole or might represent a risk for it, such as: misdemeanour sanctions, being arrested by the police, loss of employment, filing for divorce, initiation of proceedings for termination of parental rights, etc.

Rights of a person on probation

Unlawful treatment of and discrimination against persons on probation is prohibited. If you are on probation, you have the right to privacy, confidentiality of personal information and the right to file complaints against the probation officer’s actions.

Under the Probation Act, when it comes to situations such as acute illness, significant exacerbation of a chronic illness, death of a family member, risky pregnancy, etc., you can suspend or stop your community service.

In such a case, you need to submit an application for suspension to the probation office within three days from the receipt of the decision on your assignment, and the application may also be submitted during your community service.

You can contact the probation officer in person (by visiting the probation office), by phone or e-mail. In case your probation officer is not available, you can contact any other probation officer.