Delivery of electronic documents for registering a vehicle in Croatia
This service allows the delivery of electronic documents for the procedures of registration, testing and approval (homologation) of vehicles
Electronic documents are linked with a vehicle through its VIN (chassis No). This enables an automated notice on the existence of a submitted electronic document, its overview and download in the Roadworthiness Testing Centre app within 15 days of document delivery.Following a successful login, the documents are imported by entering the VIN of the vehicle to which the e-documents are linked.
After entering the VIN, the app checks whether the vehicle with the entered chassis No is registered in the roadworthiness testing and registration system.
If the vehicle has been found, the app will show its basic data - make, type, model and year of manufacture.
IMPORTANT: If the vehicle had previously been registered in Croatia but has not been found, the VIN should be rechecked and carefully entered once again; an incorrectly entered VIN will not produce the document for the employees in Roadworthiness Testing Centres.
If the documents are entered for a new vehicle or a vehicle that had not been previously registered in Croatia, the app will display a message that the vehicle had not been found.
What are electronically signed documents?
By using an e-signature, a user can be identified, and the signed electronic document can be verified. An e-signature ensures the authenticity of the source and the integrity of the content. This guarantees the integrity and the authenticity of data. A simple verification can show whether the data have been illegally tampered with.In what format do the documents have to be submitted?
At the moment, only PDF documents signed with a qualified signature or an advanced electronic signature generated with a qualified certificate in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation are eligible.
Documents must be signed by the document issuer.
What do I need to be able to sign a document electronically?
To sign a document electronically, one must have a certificate, most commonly integrated into a smart card. In Croatia, each ID card with a chip contains a signature certificate of the person it belongs to. Signature certificates can be obtained from qualified issuers in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation (FINA and AKD in Croatia).How to sign an electronic document?
The simplest way to sign an electronic document is by using Adobe Reader, a free tool for reading PDF documents, which can sign documents in its free version (Tools...Certificates).Are scanned documents acceptable in the registration procedure as electronic documents?
No. Scanned documents do not have the properties of electronic documents; it is impossible to unmistakably determine who signed them or if they have been tampered with after they have been signed.Can I submit a purchase and sale contract or a power of attorney through the electronic document delivery system?
Yes. They can be delivered in this manner if they have been signed with a qualified signature of the seller or the principal.Does the owner or the proxy have to be present at the Roadworthiness Testing Centre if they have submitted the vehicle documentation through the electronic document delivery system?
Yes. Roadworthiness testing and registration procedures (registration, change of ownership, deregistration of a vehicle, etc.) are administrative procedures that are handled directly, so the owner or the proxy must be present at the Roadworthiness Testing Centre to pay for the prescribed obligations, which can be paid for only at the Roadworthiness Testing Centre, and to submit the vehicle registration certificate to extend its validity or receive the new vehicle registration certificate or relevant decisions, certificates or records.Can I revoke a power of attorney for registering a vehicle through the electronic document delivery system?
At the moment, powers of attorney cannot be revoked through the system.A revocation of a power of attorney with a copy of the power of attorney that is being revoked can be submitted at any Roadworthiness Testing Centre in Croatia or delivered to the address of the Centre for Vehicles of Croatia, which registers revocations of powers of attorney in the registered vehicle records within the information system of the Ministry of the Interior.
- only documents in PDF format can be added
- documents are available in the exchange system for 15 days after being entered into the system. During that period, Roadworthiness Testing Centres will, when carrying out the roadworthiness testing or the registration of a vehicle, be notified about the existence of e-documents, which can then be viewed and permanently stored in the vehicle file in their original form - if necessary
- after 15 days, the e-documents are irreversibly deleted from the exchange system
- if the VIN has been entered incorrectly, the document will not be visible in Roadworthiness Testing Centres. This is why the VIN should be carefully entered.