Protection of intellectual property

Patents and Utility Models

Patent protection is an effective business tool that allows its holders to return the funds invested in research and development of new products and technologies through a kind of monopoly on the use of a protected technical solution for the duration of the patent protection period


A trademark guarantees the owner the exclusive right to market the products and/or services bearing that mark

Industrial Design

Design contributes to the competitiveness and sales of a product and increases its commercial value. The service can also be accessed directly through the “e-Građani” platform by selecting it within the Business category

Copyright and Related Rights

The protection of copyright and related rights has an exceptional importance for maintenance and development of potentials of creative companies and for creation of individual artists, musicians, writers and other authors in cultural and art sector

Training – Academy of Intellectual Property

Find out information about courses and workshops on intellectual property and its protection that can be attended by all interested parties

Intellectual Property Information Centre – INCENTIV

INCENTIV provides professional assistance to anyone requiring information on the effective protection, use or management of intellectual property