Register of Unpaid Fines

If you fail to pay your fine within a voluntary period, you shall not be able to renew the registration of your vehicle or the validity of your driving licence

If the Decision on a Misdemeanour has become final after 1 January 2014, and you failed to pay the fine within a voluntary period as defined in the Decision on a Misdemeanour, you shall be denied:
  • Issuing a driving licence or the extension of its validity;
  • Registration or renewal of registration of a motor vehicle. 
For the purpose of implementing the withholding prescribed in the Misdemeanour Act, the Ministry of Justice and Administration has formed a Register of Unpaid Fines. The data from the Register are not publicly available.

Information needed for paying the fine

If you have been denied issuing the driving licence or the extension of its validity, information needed for paying the fine shall be available to you at the relevant police station.
If you have been denied registration or renewal of registration of a motor vehicle, information needed for paying the fine shall be available to you at the Roadworthiness Testing Centre and the relevant police station.

Removal from the Register

After your payment for the fine is processed, your data shall be expunged from the Register of Unpaid Fines and, accordingly, the withholding shall cease. 

Data from the Register of Unpaid Fines are expunged automatically within 24 or 48 hours, depending on the time of payment for the fine.

You can get information on the Register of Unpaid Fines every working day by calling +385 (0)1 3714 262 or via e-mail:

You can also obtain information by calling the following numbers:
  • +385 (0)1 3714 260 
  • +385 (0)1 3714 257 
  • +385 (0)1 3714 258 
  • +385 (0)1 3714 253
  • +385 (0)1 3714 254.