Last change on: 28.2.2024.
Changing the selected physician eHZZO
From this year you can easily change your primary health care doctors such as family medicine doctor, dentist, gynecologist for women and pediatrician for children
Now you can do this without going to another doctor or to the Croatian Health Insurance Fund office but on the e-Citizens portal through the eHZZO, regularly once a year without giving reasons, and if it appears before the expiry of 12 months, one of the acceptable reasons must be stated:- when the insured person changes the place of residence or residence
- when the insured person intends to stay away from his or her place of residence for more than three months
- when the chosen doctor stops working, changes the office seat or ceases to be a contract doctor of the Croatian Health Insurance Fund.
After entering the service, choose a Choice/change of contract doctor and enter the settlement and Search under the Search criteria. You will receive search results with a legend of availability and, as instructed, you can apply for a doctor's choice or change and within 8 days you will be notified in the Korisnički pretinac of your e-Citizens profile about your request.