Economic institutions in Croatia

Below you can find a list of the institutions which you can contact and on whose websites you can find information about starting and developing economic cooperation with Croatia

The Central State Office for Croats Abroad is the central co-ordinating and supervisory body which Croatians across the globe can contact if they have questions about starting and developing economic cooperation with the Republic of Croatia. For further information about investments in the Republic of Croatia please send an e-mail to

Economic institutions of interest to economic and investment activities are: 

1) Ministry of Economy
The Ministry determines strategic directions, develops programmes and plans for sustainable development of the society based on the principle of green and circular economy with the aim of its transformation into a just and prosperous society with a resource-efficient and competitive economy, thereby ensuring climate neutrality, preservation and sustainable use of natural resources.

2) Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments
The Agency supports entrepreneurs through all development stages of operation starting from research and development of an idea to commercialisation and placement on the market. The Agency promotes establishment and development of small business entities, invests into small businesses, finances operation and development of small business entities by providing loans and guarantees, supports research, development and application of contemporary technologies and provides financial support to innovative and technology-oriented enterprises in Croatia.

3) Croatian Chamber of Economy
An independent professional and business organisation which promotes, represents and aligns the common interests of its members before national authorities and other authorities in Croatia and abroad, provides help in finding partners when entering foreign markets via its international representative offices, lobbies for the legislation in the RC in line with the interests of its members, provides legal advice, information, databases and training for entrepreneurs, co-finances presentations at fairs, provides information about sources of funding and advice about applying for EU funds via its regional infrastructure, provides Chamber’s contacts as support with local development agencies, development banks, other state institutions, and provides recommendations to commercial banks or in public procurement procedures in the RC and abroad.

4) Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts 
An independent professional business organisation of tradesmen and craftsmen, founded with the aim of promoting, coordinating and representing the joint interests of tradesmanship and craftsmanship.

Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
A development and export bank established with the objective of fostering development of the Croatian economy by: providing loans, insuring exports against political and commercial risks, providing guarantees and business consultation services.