What are e-Authorisations and how can I use them?
The e-Authorisations system enables the electronic identification of legal representatives (e.g., parents, business entities). For example, the system allows parents to use e-services on behalf of their minor children. Likewise, it gives legal representatives (owners) of companies the option to authorise another person within the business entity so that this person can then manage the access rights to all business e-services.
e-Authorisations allow users of e-Citizens to:
e-Authorisations allow users of e-Citizens to:
- grant/receive authorisations regardless of whether they relate to natural persons (for now, it is possible to represent a minor child in the system services) or business entities where the authorisation is granted to a company employee, etc.
- grant/receive authorisations for business e-services via the web interface. In order for an authorisation to be valid, it must be digitally signed by all necessary signatories of the Proxy Grantor (authorised person granting the right) and the Proxy Holder (person receiving the right).