Frequently asked questions
Answers to questions frequently asked by users of e-Citizens are available here
- I logged in to the system and I no longer see messages that had so far been in my user inbox. What’s the problem?
- When the user logs in to the system, he or she automatically logs in to My Profile, which offers access to all services. If you want to access your user inbox, after you have logged in to the portal, click the User Inbox icon on the red navigation bar in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
If after entering your user inbox, you do not see any messages that had previously been there, please contact customer support via the following telephone number: 072 200 027 or at the email address - What does the launch of the new portal mean for users of e-Citizens?
- Starting from 26 April 2021 e-Citizens users will be able to see the new central portal e-Citizens Information and Services. Although all services in the system remain available for use, occasional difficulties may arise during use due to connecting some of the services to new functionalities.
Adaptation of services to new functionalities will be accompanied by updates of the list of services that have been successfully integrated and within the framework of which it is possible to use new functionalities such as use of services on behalf of a minor child or a business entity. - What are the features of the new and redesigned e-Citizens digital platform?
- The new interface featuring a simple design and a series of information available to citizens without logging in to e-Citizens, is focused on the user and their needs.
The red navigation bar connects all the services provided on the e-Citizen digital platform. In this manner, the user can easily switch from one service to another, without leaving the e-Citizens digital platform, while the information, notifications and other news are just one click away. The navigation bar consists of:- The e-Citizens Information and Services home page logo, which leads to the home page of the system regardless of where you are in the system
- A service filter that provides a quick keyword-based access to services
- A link to the User Inbox that displays the number of unread messages
- The login / log-off link for quick login to the system or log-off from all services
- The user profile link
- Accessibility boxes – contrast, font and font size changes.
From now on, citizens can act on behalf of their minor child and / or act on behalf of the business entity they are authorised to represent.
E-Citizens can view all electronic services with the catalogue of services. By using a series of filters, e-Citizens can quickly and easily find the service that they need; in addition, they will also have access to information on its security level, so selecting the correct digital credential for application will become much easier.
Three new information categories will also be introduced. In addition to the e-information catalogue (which was formerly the My Administration category), the following two new categories will be added: Foreigners in Croatia and Croatians living abroad. We have started preparing relevant information that will be supplemented in the foreseeable future by appropriate electronic services. Foreigners residing in Croatia can use a whole range of services from the Catalogue of Services that are available to the citizens of the Republic of Croatia, while EU/EEA citizens can apply in a special manner and access a number of already developed services for cross-border use. - What is the purpose of the red navigation bar at the top of the screen?
- The navigation bar, in the recognizable red colour of the e-Citizens digital platform, is a design element that connects all the services contained in the e-Citizens digital platform not only visually but also with its functionalities. The navigation bar remains in the same place no matter which system page you access.
- The bar enables single login and log-off from the system, filtering by services, and easy transition from e-information to services and vice versa without leaving the e-Citizens digital platform.
- After logging in to the system, the navigation bar provides a direct link to the user inbox, where the total number of unread messages is clearly indicated, regardless of whether the messages are addressed to the user or the person/entity they represent.
- Why have new security levels been introduced?
- New security levels have been introduced in order to harmonize the system features at EU level. There are now three security levels:
- high security level (3)
- significant security level (2)
- low security level (1)
- How do security levels affect the way I use the system?
- The e-Citizens system has three levels of security: high level of security (3), significant level of security (2) and low level of security (1). e-Services and credentials are classified into these three security categories. Regardless of which digital credential the user selects, the NIAS system provides the same set of personal data to the services (PIN and the name and surname of the registered user). The high security level credential (e.g., electronic ID card) allows you to access all e-services in the system. At the same time, significant security level credentials (e.g., m-Token, internet banking service) allow you to access services of significant and low level of security. Low security level credentials allow you to access only the services of low level of security (e.g., e-Pass). Check the services according to levels of security in the catalogue of services and credentials according to levels of security on the list of accepted credentials.
- What is the My Profile service?
- The My Profile service has been assigned a central role in the new user experience, because all users automatically log in to the My Profile service by logging in to e-Citizens using the navigation bar. My Profile contains the following features:
- functionality of user-defined shortcuts according to frequently used electronic services,
- user action management:
- Adding a new group of shortcuts
- Automatic permission settings
- System access history
- Overview of the digital credentials used.
- What are e-Authorisations and how can I use them?
- The e-Authorisations system enables the electronic identification of legal representatives (e.g., parents, business entities). For example, the system allows parents to use e-services on behalf of their minor children. Likewise, it gives legal representatives (owners) of companies the option to authorise another person within the business entity so that this person can then manage the access rights to all business e-services.
e-Authorisations allow users of e-Citizens to:- grant/receive authorisations regardless of whether they relate to natural persons (for now, it is possible to represent a minor child in the system services) or business entities where the authorisation is granted to a company employee, etc.
- grant/receive authorisations for business e-services via the web interface. In order for an authorisation to be valid, it must be digitally signed by all necessary signatories of the Proxy Grantor (authorised person granting the right) and the Proxy Holder (person receiving the right).
- How can I use the services on behalf of my minor children?
- After logging in to the system, the name of the person who logged in to the system appears on the navigation bar in the upper right corner of the screen. It is necessary to click on the arrow to the right of the name of the logged-in user, which opens a drop-down menu. Select Change User in the menu, which opens a window with a list of minor children. After you select the name of a child on whose behalf you wish to act, the name of the current user will change into the child’s name, and you will be able to access services on behalf of the child.
- If I am not a Croatian citizen, can I use the e-Citizens digital platform?
- EU/EEA citizens can use the services if they own one of the digital credentials from EU/EEA countries that are recognised for cross-border use of electronic services.
Also citizens of other countries can use e-Citizens if they have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) (Osobni identifikacijski broj (OIB)), on the basis of which they can obtain one of the digital credentials in the Republic of Croatia from the list of acepted credentials. - If I am a digital nomad with an approved temporary residence in Croatia, can I use the e-Citizens digital platform?
- You can use e-Citizens after you obtain a Personal Identification Number (PIN). Based on the PIN, you can open a bank account and use internet banking services of a bank whose mobile token is on the list of accepted credentials of e-Citizens.
You can find more detailed instructions on how to obtain a PIN at: Instructions for obtaining a PIN/OIB.
Also citizens of other countries can use e-Citizens if they have a Personal Identification Number (PIN/OIB) (Osobni identifikacijski broj (OIB)), on the basis of which they can obtain one of the digital credentials in the Republic of Croatia from the list of acepted credentials. - If I have a Croatian ancestor, but I do not have Croatian citizenship, can I use the e-Citizens digital platform?
- Persons who do not have Croatian citizenship, entities with business establishment outside Croatia or persons who do not have EU/EEA citizenship unfortunately cannot use the e-Citizens digital platform. If you are of Croatian descent, recent amendments to the Citizenship Act have facilitated the process of acquiring citizenship for descendants of Croatian emigrants. For more information, read an article Simplified Acquisition of Croatian citizenship.
If you are an EU/EEA citizen, you can log in to e-Citizens with one of your national credentials intended for the cross-border use of electronic services designed for EU/EEA citizens. Ask your national service provider for issuing identification documents what digital credentials are available to you. - Where is the Central Government Portal and what can I expect from e-Citizens?
- The need for accelerated digital transformation of society where the government provides personalised, fast and efficient services required the redesign and also rebranding of e-Citizens.
The e-Citizens digital platform is no longer only a register of electronic services, but with this redesign it becomes the central point of the Croatian Government and its state and public bodies where citizens exercise all their rights by using their digital identity, while being guaranteed the highest level of security.
The redesigned system does not yet have all the features of two-way communication between the citizen and the government, but it is undoubtedly the direction in which we are developing the system. The coronavirus pandemic has shown that we need to strengthen the capacity of the state and public administration, so citizens can exercise all their rights even when that is difficult to achieve through physical presence.
We are currently working on making additional improvements to the accessibility rules, user box functionalities, business services, and many other aspects of the system that we will soon introduce. Considering that our goal is the satisfaction of the system users, we invite all interested parties to use the form for reporting difficulties in use and/or send ideas for improving the system. All your comments will directly contribute to designing solutions for further upgrading of the system. - Who can use electronic services in the e-Citizens digital platform?
- Electronic services in the e-Citizens digital platform may be used by any citizen of the Republic of Croatia above 15 years of age, as well as EU and non-EU citizens who have been assigned the Personal Identification Number (PIN).To access system you need at least one digital credential from the list of accepted credentials.
Additionally, e-Citizens can be used by EU/EEA citizens who have a national credential published on the EU trusted list. - How can I sign up for an electronic service?
- After you select the desired service (by clicking on the name of the service in the catalogue of e-services or link by the e-Informations article), the system will redirect you to the National Identification and Authentication System (NIAS) where you will be offered the list of accepted credentials that can be used to establish your electronic identity.
After you select and enter information on the digital credential, NIAS will establish your electronic identity and you can start using the service.