Programs of support to Croatians in BH

Program of support to strategic projects of Croatians in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Connecting with Croatians in BH, supporting them in repatriating to and remaining in BH, as well as upholding their equality is of strategic interest to the Republic of Croatia

Programs of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation

Novost u odnosu na prethodno financijsko razdoblje je ta da su bilateralni IPA programi Hrvatska – Crna Gora i Hrvatska – Bosna i Hercegovina uspostavljeni kao jedan trilateralni program koji objedinjuje prekograničnu suradnju sve tri države, dok su prije funkcionirali kao zasebni programi

Support to strategic institutions of Croatians in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Provision of support to cultural, educational and scientific institutions of special interest to Croatians in Bosnia and Herzegovina strengthens and encourages Croatians in their efforts to sustainably remain in that country and supports and preserves their national identity

Programs of support to specific needs and projects of interest to Croatians living abroad

This public call for applications is special because it is intended for all Croatian communities outside the Republic of Croatia