How do security levels affect the way I use the system?

The e-Citizens system has three levels of security: high level of security (3), significant level of security (2) and low level of security (1).  e-Services and credentials are classified into these three security categories. Regardless of which digital credential the user selects, the NIAS system provides the same set of personal data to the services (PIN and the name and surname of the registered user). The high security level credential (e.g., electronic ID card) allows you to access all e-services in the system. At the same time, significant security level credentials (e.g., m-Token, internet banking service) allow you to access services of significant and low level of security. Low security level credentials allow you to access only the services of low level of security (e.g., e-Pass). Check the services according to levels of security in the catalogue of services and credentials according to levels of security on the list of accepted credentials.