Voting of Croatians in Bosnia and Herzegovina
All Croatian citizens can vote abroad, in diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Croatia
Voters—Croatian citizens over the age of 18 (voters)—have a universal and equal right to vote in the elections for the Croatian Parliament, President of the Republic of Croatia and European Parliament, as well as to take part in national referendums.You can exercise your right to vote polling stations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. in the competent diplomatic missions or consular offices of the RC in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which publish all information about how you can vote and invite voters to actively register for voting on their websites.
We recommend that you learn more about voting abroad and elections directly on this portal, and you can also additionally visit the website of the State Electoral Commission.
It is also recommended that you check your personal data in the electoral register.
What is the electoral register?
The electoral register is a collection of personal data of all voters who are Croatian citizens with permanent residence in the Republic of Croatia, Croatian citizens with no permanent residence in the Republic of Croatia and citizens of other EU member states who exercise their right to vote in the Republic of Croatia.
As a rule, voters with no permanent residence in the Republic of Croatia are entered in the record of voters who are Croatian citizens according to their country and address.
You can review, amend and supplement your data in the voter records by viewing the electoral register, and if you require any additional information, you can contact the competent City Office for General Administration of the City of Zagreb, Draškovićeva ulica 15, Zagreb, via phone (+ 385 1 6166175) or via e-mail