Last change on: 10.11.2022.
e-Services of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia
There is no need to queue, submit your application and activate the services you need online instead!
To be able to use the electronic services available in the e-Citizens system, you first need to have a means to log into the e-Citizens system. You have a means to log into the system if the following applies:- you have an electronic ID card (eID)
- you use internet banking services of a certain bank
- you use electronic services, you are a student, an employee in a higher education institution or a health professional.
e-Driving Licence - enables users to:
- apply for a driving licence
- add to or inspect their application
- activate their driving licence received by mail.
e-Temporary Residence - e-Registration of temporary residence of Croatian citizens enables:
- Croatian citizens to register their temporary residence
- landlords to grant their consent for registering temporary residence of another person at the address of the property under their co/ownership
- landlords to generate and print out the Landlord’s Consent Form for the registration of temporary residence, which the landlord who is unable to sign the document electronically will sign by hand.
e-Consent - Consent and Authorisation in Proceedings within the Scope of the Ministry of the Interior enables Croatian citizens to electronically grant their consent for:
- issuing a passport for a child
- issuing an ID card for a child
- registering permanent residence of a child at the other parent’s address
- granting their consent as landlords for registering permanent residence for adults at the address of the property under their co/ownership.
Traffic Offence Notification - If you have been served a notification of a committed offence, with this application you can use the access code stated in the notification to:
- find out the details about the traffic offence
- submit the requested information about the driver
- submit the requested information about the vehicle
- get informed about how to pay the fine.
e-Detectives - The service enables users to apply for:
- a request for issuing a permit for performance of activities of a private detective;
- a request for taking the professional exam;
- a request for recognition of foreign professional qualifications;
- a request for issuing authorisation for the performance of detective activities to legal entities and sole traders.
Registration of the facility in which accommodation services are provided to foreign guests - The service enables owners of apartments, hotels or persons in charge in hotels to apply online for:
- registration of the facility in which accommodation services are provided to foreign guests
- check the status of the submitted application.
Required authentication level: 1