Deadlines and Prices of Issuance of Identity Card

Find out more on the costs and deadlines for the issuance of identity cards

In a regular procedure, electronic identity cards are issued within 30 days from the day of application: 
  • eID containing one or two certificates costs 13,27 EUR
  • eID issued to applicants who are 70 or older, without certificates, costs 9,29 EUR
In an accelerated procedure, electronic identity cards for all applicants are issued within 10 days from the day of application and they cost 25,88 EUR
In an urgent procedure, electronic identity cards for all applicants are issued within three working days from the day of application and they cost 66,36 EUR
The costs for the issuance of the first identity card in a regular procedure for applicants below the age of 18 with permanent residence in Croatia (30-day issuing deadline) are covered from the state budget and the applicant is not required to pay the costs of issuing in such cases.

The costs for the issuance of an identity card, depending on whether in a regular, accelerated, or urgent procedure, are paid at a post office, FINA, bank, or via internet banking to the state budget account of the Republic of Croatia, IBAN number: HR1210010051863000160, purpose of payment: “za osobnu iskaznicu”, model: HR65 7005-442-OIB (applicant’s OIB). 

Filled out payslip sample available on the following link: Example of a correctly filled out money order.
The applicant has to collect an issued identity card within 90 days from the expiry of the deadline for its issuance (120 days in a regular procedure, 100 days in an accelerated procedure and 93 days in an urgent procedure). If he fails to do so, the identity card will be annulled.

Identity cards and the certificates they contain are valid for five years. Exceptionally, identity cards issued to applicants who are 70 or older are valid for 40 years.

Applicants who are 70 or older and who obtain an identity card with certificates can continue using their identity card even after their certificates expire (after five years), but they will not be able to electronically authenticate their identity nor will they be able to use it to create a qualified electronic signature. If a person who is 70 or older still wishes to use his identity card for electronic identity authentication and creation of electronic signature after the certificates expire (as an e-document), he will have to apply for a new identity card.