Co-financing of projects for the construction, erection or decoration of memorials to victims of the Homeland War
The Ministry of Croatian Veterans publishes a public call for co-financing the construction, erection or decoration of memorials to the victims of the Homeland War
All stages of construction, installation or decoration of memorial features may be co-financed:• preparatory work for the construction of memorial features:
- Development of a tender report - a tender programme (urban, art, conservation, spatial, temporal, etc.)
- tender implementation (per tenderer's pre-invoice)
- drafting of project documentation and expert and design supervision (for solutions obtained in a public tender),
- Preparation of commemorative features (sculptures) - casting, carving, modelling, etc.,
- Construction, installation or decoration of memorial features,
- Preparation of commemorative features (sculptures) - casting, carving, modelling, etc.,
- Construction, installation or decoration of memorial features,
- decoration, reconstruction, remediation or other works on the existing commemorative feature (with the written consent of the author of the conceptual design),
The request for co-financing may be submitted by associations from the Homeland War and local or regional (regional) self-government units, in accordance with the stipulated requirements.
Requests for co-financing shall be received following the publication of a public call. The conditions, the list of documentation to be enclosed and the necessary forms can be found on the website of the Ministry of Croatian Veterans under the current public calls during the period during which the public call was opened.